Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I changed my Album layout

The way that I work, is that I usually start with with something (an idea) then once I have that Idea.. I turn it into something different in order to come up with what I like.  Below is a good example of my process. I started with one idea for an album cover, then I took it and changed it all around to get something that works for me. Feel free to comment on which you think works best.

Tami La Shawn

Monday, September 20, 2010

Album Cover

Here is a peak at my album cover project. I'm open to your comments and feed back as to how to make it better.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

CD Cover Meme

For my first assignment I had to create a CD Meme Cover. It was pretty fun and interesting how the band name, album name and CD cover came together. Here is my finished product.