Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Panorama Photo

After working for some weeks on my panorama I decided to go with these compilation of images of the stairway in an underground parking structure on campus. I was often intrigued by the lighting the sun cast on them, from the darkest part of the bottom level to the lightest light as you climb the stairway to the most upper level. So what I did, is took several pictures with every step that I took starting on the ground level and climbing the stairs to the top level.

I really like the texture of the concrete and stairs, therefore I incorporated the pavement of space before the stairs. The white light was very intriguing to me and mysterious... symbolic and felt very spiritual, so to emphasize this I positioned the stairway at the bottom of the page and left a huge portion of white space at the top. I could have centered it but I really wanted to convey the idea of the white light at the top with hopes that it will touch people and get them to think as it did me. I could have also cut off the concrete space at the bottom by bringing it all the way to the end of the page and flatting it, but I really admired the movement of the roundness and how it pulls you up with the stairs.

I used adjustments such as cloning and healing to clean up some of the trash that was on the ground. I also adjusted the contrast and transformed the stairway to look continuous because the merge had flattened some areas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamika,

    I thought your panorama turned out great. It is really a stunning presence on the wall. On looking at it closely, I did just want to mention one thing that I wasn't sure about, which is the stairstepping on the edges. Did you want that? Remember that if you don't want that, you can draw your own clean border with the pen tool. If you're not sure how, ask me to show you.

